Solo camping for beginners : Top 5 reasons why you should plan your trip

solo camping trip

A solo camping trip is something that everyone MUST do at least once in their lives. With so many benefits like being able to do whatever you want on your own terms, there is no wonder why it’s on the rise. 

In fact, according to a study conducted by Agoda, 61% of people have opted to travel solo for a chance to relax and unwind. 

In this blog post, we are going to go over the top 5 main reasons why you should go on a solo camping trip.

1) Finding peace and quiet with a solo camping trip

This can be especially important if you have a super busy schedule or live close to the hustle and bustle of the city. Being constantly surrounded by distractions and the noise of everyday life, things can start to seem like they are going at a hundred miles an hour. Sometimes it’s important to take a moment to stop and truly appreciate the life we have around us.

Going on a solo camping trip can be a benefit to our mental health and also our physical health. It helps to keep us at peace and provides us with a moment to reconnect with nature whilst taking the much needed break from the digital world. So forget the rush and take the time out to just appreciate the scenery around you. 

2) Focus on yourself for a change

Not only does solo camping bring you the much needed quiet time. It also gives you the opportunity to be 100% selfish and think about YOU for a change. We rarely have the time to enjoy our own company with all the distractions around us. This might also be the best time to get through that book you never had the chance to finish. 

By planning to go on a solo camping trip, you allow yourself the opportunity to reflect on your life, your achievements and all the things that you would like to achieve in the future. This is the perfect time to get some clarity on your life.

3) Being in control of your own journey

Sometimes it can be a pain organising a trip to go somewhere. There is always one person in the whatsapp group that is unavailable on a certain or another that wants to do something different to what you have in mind. Going solo for your camping trip can be quite relieving from that stress because you no longer have to deal with this.

You get to decide where you want to go, what you want to do, when you want to do it and how it’s going to be done. It’s as simple as that, no need to consult anyone else. No more need for yet another long drawn out group text.

4) Build up your confidence

Being able to create and provide for yourself can be very empowering, especially when that means pitching up your own shelter for the night or camping by yourself in a hidden location that you have never visited before.

Since you are alone, you cannot rely on your friends to help you set things up or plan the activities you will be doing that day. You need to be prepared to take the reins and who knows, you might realise that you are much more resourceful than you think. If not… at least no one is there to see how badly you messed up!

5) Say no to annoying habits

Do you have that one friend in your group that never stops talking even when you try to give them all the signs? Or how about that other friend that is late for absolutely EVERYTHING? 

Don’t we all… ughh… what’s more, it can really slow things down and turn an evening that was supposed to be fun, into a night that you’ll want to forget.

Well no more.

You no longer have to deal with any of those things when you are solo camping. It’s just you and good old nature.

Prepare for your solo camping trip today

If you needed a little push to try and plan that solo camping trip you’ve been thinking about for a while, hopefully we’ve managed to convince you by now.

If not, then you should probably check out our blog and follow our Pinterest account for more motivation and cool camping pictures to help you decide.