Benefits of Camping: 5 Reasons Why You Should Start

Woman sitting by her tent drinking some coffe and enjoying the benefits of camping

Everyone has their own reasons they might choose to spend their weekend at a campsite. There are many benefits that camping can could bring you. Some people need the mental break away from the stresses of work. Others use it as a chance to get a ‘digital detox’ or spend more quality time with the family.

If you are thinking about planning your very own camping trip, here are some of the top 5 benefits of camping. These are some of the best reasons why you should be planning that trip ASAP!

1) Reduction in stress

It has been well documented that being exposed to greenery can put you in a better state of mind. Research conducted by the Mind, mental health association (2007)*, found that 71% of individuals recorded an increase in their moods after being exposed to greenery and nature outdoors.

If you’re the type of person that suffers from a lot of stress in their everyday lives or have a job that can be very demanding and mentally draining, perhaps you should look to camping to help ease your stress.

2) Disconnecting from the internet

Whilst the power of the internet has brought many opportunities and a source of entertainment like never before, some may say that it has completely taken over our lives. With technology such as our mobile devices and the connections that social media provides us with, you might feel compelled to constantly check your phones for the latest updates.

A study conducted by RescueTime, has found that on average, we spend up to 3 hours and 15 minutes using our mobile phones. This amount of time rises with 20% of smartphone users exceeding screen times of 4.5 hours.

The benefit of camping is that it can help to bring us back to a point in time without technology. It providing us the much-needed space from social media. It helps us to connect with nature and the world around us for a short period. I think we could all do with a good digital detox!

3) Connecting with your friends a family

Benefits of camping with friends - building shared memories
Camping with friends can be a great way to build shared memories for life

Camping can be a great way to bond with those around you. Especially if you plan a trip together over the weekend. There’s nothing more amazing than having a conversation whilst roasting marshmallows at a campfire or exchanging scary stories in a tent at night-time. It is these little moments that tend to bring us together and make us feel more connected to each other.

Also, if something can go wrong, it probably will. This is especially with true camping. Being able to overcome these challenges through teamwork makes it that more memorable. It also gives you a funny story and a fond memory to laugh about in the years to come.

4) Physical health benefits of camping

Camping can be very beneficial for your health and can be a surprisingly good form of exercise and can leave you feeling much more energised during the day. Whether it be the long hike to get to your destination, actually setting up your tents or even just carrying your items on your journey, you’ll be getting a good amount of physical activity that your body needs.

It’s not just the increased activity that you will gain. Moving around constantly during the day will naturally tire your body out. This means that you will want to recharge with a good night’s sleep. Even being tucked away in a sleeping bag in a small tent will feel like a dream come true at that point. Getting better sleep is incredibly important for us and can be one of the many additional health benefits of camping.

5) Learning new things

There is no doubt that some camping tasks require a level of skill that will be difficult to learn normally. Certain survival skills can be developed on your trip as you will be forced to do certain things. You might also be put in certain scenarios that you may not have had to experience in your everyday life. This can be especially true if you decide to start solo camping for the first time.

These can include things like being able to build a fire from scratch when setting up your campfire, being able to keep your water clean through purification methods, being able to orientate yourself outside and even take care of first aid should anyone get injured.

Benefits of camping for youth

Young kids often get bored easily if their minds are not being stimulated. This can become especially true if you live in a large city surrounded by nothing but buildings. Children need to be surrounded by nature and be allowed to run wild and explore. It can help them to better appreciate life’s gifts. Not just this, it may inspire an affinity towards environmental conservation. This is just one of the great benefits of camping for children.

Another benefit is that the experience can be even more enriching if their time is spent being outdoors with other kids of a similar age. This can help them to become more social and better strengthen their relationship-building skills. The benefits of camping for youth can be endless, they just need to be given the opportunity to unplug and enjoy the wilderness.

More about the benefits of camping

If you want to know more about the benefits of camping and the things that it can bring you, follow our blog for new updates. Also, check out our Pinterest account.

* Mind, 2007. Ecotherapy: The Green Agenda for Mental Health. Executive Summary. Mind.